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18 October 2023
Reporter Lucy Carter

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Broadridge launches new iteration of BondGPT

Broadridge LTX has released an enterprise version of its BondGPT platform, BondGPT+.

BondGPT, launched in June 2023, uses Broadridge technology and OpenAI GPT-4 to respond to users’ bond-related queries and help them identify corporate bonds on the LTX platform. The service aims to simplify workflows and improve efficiency, making use of a large language model (LLM) chat function and conversational interface.

BondGPT+ facilitates clients’ integration of their own and third-party datasets, enabling easier access to information, and can integrate into enterprise applications, including workflows. This allows users to benefit from all that the platform provides, Broadridge says, facilitating portfolio strategy optimisation and better-informed trading decisions.

Only verified and curated data sources are used for the platform, ensuring that proprietary client data and systems remain secure by removing the need for sensitive data to go through an LLM. This also reduces the risk of hallucinations.

For further transparency, users and administrators can use the ‘show your work’ feature to understand how each of the platform’s responses are created.

User-level customisation is offered on the BondGPT+ dashboard, with questions able to be scheduled and run at certain times or in certain circumstances. Clients’ specific requirements can be programmed into the system, ensuring that only relevant bonds are included in the service’s output.

The platform places a particular focus on enterprise control and governance. Custom rules can be added to align with a firm’s compliance and risk management processes, and system administrators are able to configure levels of data access through user and firm level entitlements.

Jim Kwiatkowski, CEO of LTX, says: “Since the launch of BondGPT, we have received overwhelmingly positive feedback and thoughtful suggestions from our clients. Based on that feedback, we have moved quickly to incorporate clients’ own data as well as a range of new features in the second generation of BondGPT.

“BondGPT+ not only meets our clients' enterprise requirements, but also sets a new standard for generative AI solutions in the financial industry by providing a single natural language interface for seamless access to much of the data used by fixed income professionals."

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