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Keler and IRGiT to combine for regional clearing collaboration
21 December 2021
CEE Reporter Bob Currie

An agreement signed between the Warsaw and Budapest stock exchanges, the Polish Power Exchange and Hungarian National Bank plans regional clearing services for CEE and SEE, initially targeting commodities and energy markets

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HSBC and IBM complete successful token and digital wallet settlement test
17 December 2021
France Reporter Jenna Lomax

HSBC and IBM have successfully tested an advanced token and digital wallet settlement that included direct transactions between two central bank digital currencies, using the cloud

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EBA Clearing successfully completes migration of RT1 technical account to TIPS
13 December 2021
France Reporter Jenna Lomax

EBA Clearing has completed a successful migration of the RT1 technical account from TARGET2 to the TARGET Instant Payment Settlement

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HSBC and Wells Fargo use Baton Systems to complete first interbank PvP settlement outside CLS
13 December 2021
US Reporter Jenna Lomax

The world’s first interbank PvP settlement outside of CLS has been completed by HSBC and Wells Fargo using Baton Systems’ Core-FX solution, built on Baton’s distributed ledger technology

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Guotai Junan Securities utilises Euroclear’s Yulan bond structure
26 November 2021
Brussels Reporter Jenna Lomax

Guotai Junan Securities is to begin utilising Euroclear Bank’s Yulan bond structure, enabling Chinese issuers to gain better exposure to a wider foreign investor base

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Nigerian clearing house joins CCP12
22 October 2021
Nigeria Reporter Bob Currie

FMDQ Clear becomes an observer member of the global central counterparty association with immediate effect, supporting the development of the Nigerian post-trade services value chain towards global standards

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AFME: T+2 is quicker than it used to be, but is it enough?
20 October 2021
UK Reporter Maddie Saghir

The settlement date for stocks used to be T+5, before moving to T+3, and now most markets operate on a T+2 settlement cycle, but panellists at the AFME conference discussed whether or not the T+2 cycle is enough

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