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24 Exchange receives SEC approval

29 November 2024 US
Reporter: Klea Neza

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Image: Thanadon88/stock.adobe.com
24 Exchange has received approval from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to operate 24X National Exchange, the first national securities exchange in the US that allows trading of US securities 23 hours each workday.

The extended hour trading is subject to Equity Data Plans making changes that would facilitate overnight trading hours and 24X National Exchange making an additional rule filing with the SEC confirming the changes and the Exchange's ability to comply with the Securities Exchange Act.

24X National Exchange will be subject to the SEC's ongoing regulatory oversight and full range of investor protections. The company says the new Exchange will enable retail and institutional customers anywhere in the world to trade in US equities via broker-dealers who are approved members of 24X National Exchange.

Dmitri Galinov, CEO and founder of 24 Exchange, says: "The SEC's approval of our new exchange is a thrilling development that the 24X Team has been working toward for many years. Traders are most at risk when the market is closed in their geographic location. 24X National Exchange will seek to alleviate this problem by facilitating around the clock US equities trading for broker-dealers and their institutional and retail customers."

He continues: "With this historic SEC approval in place, we will build and operate a customer-driven Exchange that can rapidly align with market demands and adapt quickly to client feedback.”
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