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23 September 2021
Reporter Rebecca Delaney

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Hazeltree prepares for UMR compliance

Hazeltree Collateral Management has been upgraded to allow clients to comply with phases 5 and 6 of the Uncleared Margin Rules (UMR).

Phase 5 came into effect on 1 September and pertains to any firm with an average annual notional amount (AANA) of uncleared over-the-counter derivatives of more than US$50 billion.

These new regulations require applicable firms to post and receive initial margin under the directions of UMR.

This marks a complex process for many in-scope firms, while phase 6 (due September 2022) will widen the scope even further to companies with AANA of more than $8 billion.

As a provider of treasury management and portfolio finance solutions, Hazeltree recently released Hazeltree AANA Estimator to help clients calculate and monitor their AANA on a daily basis to prepare for UMR compliance.

Joe Spiro, director of product management, Hazeltree, comments: “Hazeltree has developed a comprehensive collateral management workflow that allows clients to operate within the framework of UMR, using the same model as a tier 1 broker-dealer, while still focusing on the unique needs of the buy-side.”

“The ability to calculate any of the three industry standard margin approaches (distinct, greater of, or allocated), calculate required value for tri-party accounts, and the expanded functionality for initial margin are just a few of the important features that have made this transition smooth for Hazeltree’s clients.”

“As our phase 5 clients experienced, complying with UMR is a long process, and requires preparation. We are proud of the success our clients have had in making this transition smoothly, with Hazeltree’s help,” adds president CEO, Sameer Shalaby.

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