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EFAMA welcomes EC proposal
21 December 2017
Brussels Reporter Becky Butcher

EFAMA has welcomed the European Commission’s proposal for a directive and regulation to establish a self-standing prudential regime for investment firms

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Euronext’s ARM and APA approved
14 December 2017
Paris Reporter Stephanie Palmer

Euronext has been approved by the French regulator to provide approved publication arrangement and approved reporting mechanism services to investment firms in Europe, under MiFID II

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GCF: Concerns linger around MiFID II compliance
06 December 2017
London Reporter Becky Butcher

With only 28 days left to go before MiFID II comes into effect, less than half of Global Custody Forum attendees feel they will be compliant in time

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EEA members’ supervisory weaknesses exposed in ESMA review
30 November 2017
Paris Reporter Jenna Lomax

ESMA said those NCAs who did not identify good practices, would be consulted by ESMA on how they can make improvements in time for the MiFID II deadline

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Deutsche Borse approved by BaFin as ARM and APA
30 November 2017
Frankfurt Reporter Jenna Lomax

The approval means that Deutsche Borse regulatory reporting hub can offer ARM and APA services from 3 January 2018

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NEX Regulatory Reporting made trade repository under EMIR
24 November 2017
London Reporter Jenna Lomax

The trade repository, which will be based in Stockholm, Sweden, will prepare NEX for its trade operations post Brexit

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EU Commission opens consultation of SFTR TR fees
21 November 2017
Paris Reporter Drew Nicol

UK-based trade repositories may be forced to shoulder additional third-party recognition fees to operate under EU regulatory frameworks post-Brexit, according to proposed EU Commission rules

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