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Pavilion improves alternatives offering
28 June 2016
Sacramento, California

Pavilion Financial Corporation, a North American investment services provider, is set to acquire Altius Holdings, the parent company of Altius Associates...

UEA ETF custody mandate for BNY Mellon
27 June 2016
Abu Dhabi

BNY Mellon has been appointed as global custodian and fund administrator to the first liquid, tradable and transparent ETF listed in the Middle East under the UAE’s new regulations...

BrickVest: Brexit threatens London’s fintech status
27 June 2016

London could lose its status as a ‘fintech’ hub as a result of the UK’s vote to leave the EU, according to Emmanuel Lumineau, co-founder and CEO of BrickVest, an online real estate investment platform...

StatPro wins Australian mandate
27 June 2016

NAB Asset Servicing has selected StatPro Revolution for performance measurement and risk analytics reporting...

Brexit: Blackrock predicts messy EU divorce
27 June 2016

Blackrock has predicted “a long period of political, economic and market uncertainty” following the UK vote to exit the European Union...

Brexit: Financial services regulation will remain
24 June 2016

UK financial institutions must continue to abide by EU regulations in the wake of ‘Brexit’, while regulations such as Solvency II are likely to remain in place...

Asset servicing industry reacts to Brexit
24 June 2016

Financial services firms and asset managers have reacted to the UK’s vote to exit the European Union with predictions of market volatility, but a generally positive long-term outlook...

Carney: UK financial system strong enough for Brexit
24 June 2016

The Governor of the Bank of England has reacted to the UK vote to leave the EU, saying that there will be no immediate change “in the way our goods can move or the way our services can be sold”...

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