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SWIFT tests blockchain for cross-border payments
12 January 2017
La Hulpe

SWIFT is exploring whether banks can use distributed ledger technology to improve the reconciliation of their nostro databases in real time to optimise their liquidity globally...

MainstreamBPO opens in Cayman
12 January 2017
Grand Cayman

Fund administrator MainstreamBPO has opened an office in the Cayman Islands...

NA asset managers will unbundle ahead of MiFID II
06 January 2017
New York

A staggering 82 percent of North American asset managers plan to fully unbundle all of their brokers globally, despite many not expecting the EU’s MiFID II to directly affect them...

Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse pay for RMBS
23 December 2016
New York

The US Department of Justice has agreed settlements with Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse over the sale of residential mortgage-backed securities worth more than $10 billion, and brought civil charges against Barclays...

Aztec recruits Metesh Vara for real assets
21 December 2016

Aztec Group has strengthened its real assets team in Jersey with the appointment of Metesh Vara as associate director... embarks on initial blockchain offering
19 December 2016
New York has become the first public company to offer its shares for trading via blockchain...

AFME issues new sub-custodian questionnaire
08 December 2016

The Association for Financial Markets in Europe has published a new due diligence questionnaire in a bid standardise and simplify them for sub-custodians...

Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect to go live
28 November 2016
Hong Kong

The new Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect will go live on 5 December...

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