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T+1 settlement cycles

Gary King, associate director and Asia Pacific specialist for Thomas Murray, reflects on India’s transition to a T+1 settlement cycle and assesses the rest of the region’s approaches to the shifting settlement cycles across the globe

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On the up

In spite of pressing geopolitical tensions, the CEE region’s stock continues to rise

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To rewrite or not to rewrite is no longer the question

deltaconX’s Paul Rennison discusses the ongoing changes to EMIR and the impact for reporting companies and their providers

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Business as usual

Arnaud Garel-Galais explains how CACEIS is coping with the impacts of COVID-19 for private assets clients

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A shift in mindset

Scorpeo CEO Matt Ruoss discusses the challenges of analysing events and optimising processes to maximise value for shareholders

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MiFID II: a year on

As MiFID II celebrates its first birthday, how has the industry adapted to the changes, and what challenges is it still facing?

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Every silver lining has a cloud

The regulatory storm is showing no sign of abating, and it’s unclear whether the outcome will be worth the effort. BNY Mellon’s Paul North explains

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Growing up ungracefully

The Chinese market has taken a knock to its confidence, but despite its size, it is still merely an emerging market, and must take these setbacks in its stride

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