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Apex partners with Goji on investor lifecycle platform
08 December 2022
UK Reporter Lucy Carter

UK-based technology provider Goji has partnered with Apex to offer an investor lifecycle management platform for alternative asset management clients

Anne Storie heads Apex’s Cayman division
02 December 2022
Cayman Islands Reporter Lucy Carter

Apex has appointed Anne Storie as country head for the Cayman Islands, effective immediately. She reports to Georges Archibald, chief innovation officer and managing director for the Americas

Morphosis Venture Capital picks Apex for fund services
22 November 2022
UAE Reporter Lucy Carter

Dubai-based Morphosis Venture Capital has selected Apex Group to provide fund administration, corporate secretarial and tax reporting services to its Alicorn India Fund 1 LP

Participant Capital Advisors picks Apex to service its Lux-domiciled funds
17 November 2022
Luxembourg Reporter Jenna Lomax

Real estate investment firm Participant Capital Advisors, LLC (Participant Capital) has selected Apex Group to provide fund and financial services for its Luxembourg-domiciled funds

Blue Collective selects Apex for fund administration services
14 November 2022
US Reporter Jenna Lomax

New York-based Blue Collective already has a partnership with Apex to provide its tax services

GenTwo picks EBD for banking services
09 November 2022
Luxembourg Reporter Lucy Carter

Securitisation specialist GenTwo has selected Apex Group’s European Depositary Bank to provide global paying agent and banking services to third-party investors

AST celebrates best in business with former Royal Marine Major Scotty Mills
08 November 2022
UK Reporter Jenna Lomax

Scotty Mills, former Major Royal Marine and global keynote speaker (pictured), presented the awards and delivered a thought-provoking keynote speech

Aliph Capital picks Apex for fund administration
07 November 2022
Abu Dhabi Reporter Lucy Carter

Aliph Capital, the first female-led private equity firm in the Middle East, has appointed Apex Group to provide fund administration services

Full feature search for "APEX"
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Keeping a record

Klea Neza sheds light on the importance of transfer agencies and explores how vital technology is to a transfer agent’s work

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Innovation is key

Jack McRae speaks to a number of European fund administrators on how they are addressing some of the challenges facing the industry

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The Generation Game

Generative AI is the latest development to get everyone talking. Where could it have the most impact in the industry, and are fears around the new technology justified?

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States of change

As the US fund administration landscape shifts, market participants share their thoughts on the SEC’s actions, the state of the market, and where they think fund administration will go next

Full interview search for "APEX"
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Niall Pritchard
Apex Group

Niall Pritchard, managing director, UK at Apex Group, talks to Asset Servicing Times about the changes Brexit has brought to the funds space, and the UK Financial Conduct Authority’s consultation on ‘side pockets’ for retail funds in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine

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Frank Alexander de Boer
LRI Group

Frank Alexander de Boer of LRI Group offers insights into why his company and Apex Group have teamed up, the advantages of their cooperation, and the challenges they may face along the way

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Paul Clapis and Jennifer Hanes

IntelliMatch Operational Control is taking reconciliations to a new level. Paul Clapis and Jennifer Hanes of SunGard explain their evolutionary product

Country profiles
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Channel Islands

Lucy Carter takes a look at how the Channel Islands have fared after a globally challenging year, and what the jurisdictions are doing to prepare for the future of financial services

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Brian Bollen discusses India’s move to T+1 and its growing custody and funds landscape

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Guernsey has long been a popular destination for financial services companies to domicile funds, attract clients and conduct operations — something that looks set to continue

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Cayman Islands

Brian Bollen outlines the current trends affecting the Cayman Islands’ mutual funds and what lies in store for the jurisdiction post-COVID

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