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AFME: T+2 is quicker than it used to be, but is it enough?
20 October 2021
UK Reporter Maddie Saghir

The settlement date for stocks used to be T+5, before moving to T+3, and now most markets operate on a T+2 settlement cycle, but panellists at the AFME conference discussed whether or not the T+2 cycle is enough

AFME: Pandemic acted as a “call to arms” for post-trade industry to improve “cumbersome” technologies
19 October 2021
UK Reporter Jenna Lomax

The COVID-19 pandemic acted as a “call to arms” for the post-trade industry to improve “cumbersome and outdated” technologies, according to Archie Stebbings, partner at management consulting firm Oliver Wyman

AFME: The regulator will ‘struggle’ to catch up with the evolving digital assets space
19 October 2021
UK Reporter Maddie Saghir

The industry is entering a fascinating era and the regulator will struggle to catch up because the system is evolving rapidly and becoming extremely dynamic, experts predict

AFME calls for review of capital buffer framework after COVID-19 crisis
19 October 2021
UK Reporter Carmella Haswell

The Association for Financial Markets in Europe is investigating the implications of the pandemic for the Basel capital buffer framework and the hesitancy from banks to draw on their capital buffers during COVID-19

AFME: The regulation of cryptocurrency is the ‘elephant in the room’
27 September 2021
UK Reporter Maddie Saghir

In the context of the increasing growth of DLT, and the wake of recent market developments, AFME panellists discussed regulatory priorities in the digital assets space

AFME: Pandemic forced better data and technology resilience to combat operational risk
24 September 2021
UK Reporter Jenna Lomax

The COVID-19 pandemic provided an increased level of data and technology resilience for the financial sector, agreed a panel at this year’s AFME European Capital Markets Technology and Innovation Virtual Conference

AFME report warns of barriers to adopting cloud services in capital markets
22 September 2021
UK Reporter Carmella Haswell

A report by AFME and Protiviti reveals proposed solutions such as portability and multi-cloud strategies are likely to introduce further barriers to the adoption of cloud services

Thalia Chryssikou appointed as chair of AFME board
23 June 2021
London Reporter Becky Bellamy

Chryssikou has worked at Goldman Sachs for 23 years after joining in 1998 as head of Europe, the Middle East and Africa, interest rate, currency and emerging market strategies for the securities division

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Navigating the future of digital money

Industry experts talk to Sophie Downes about why we need digital currency and what work needs to be done by the industry to implement it

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Slow and steady

Charlie Geffen, head of the UK’s Accelerated Settlement Taskforce, updates AST on the group’s progress so far

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A daunting map to follow?

AFME’s Pete Tomlinson, director of post trade, assesses the current settlement efficiency landscape in Europe, likening it to London’s complicated underground network

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Looking back on 2022

Lucy Carter speaks to industry experts on some of 2022’s most pressing issues, valuable updates, and the essential preparations for the road ahead

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Emma Johnson and Mike Clarke
Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank’s Emma Johnson and Mike Clarke share how, in the changing regulatory landscape, technology can enable compliance and deliver better outcomes for clients

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