“We are proud of the outstanding effort from both the Deutsche Bank and Proxymity teams in ensuring the solution is available to clients this season," says Jonathan Smalley
“The launch represents an important milestone in fostering direct communication between issuers and their shareholders while bringing increased efficiencies to the market,” says Isabelle Delorme
Over the next 12 months, Broadridge hopes many of the current operational challenges will be resolved but expects an ongoing high focus in this area, especially for global intermediaries
The solution, which will cover European shareholder meetings, will use Broadridge’s global proxy solution and includes a straight-through processing connection to SLIB’s Votaccess platform
Broadridge is set to provide Smith & Williamson Group, a financial and professional services firm in the UK and Ireland, with its SRD II solution for proxy voting
SRD II, which came into force on 3 September, requires firms providing share custody to disclose client identities and positions when requested to do so by issuers
The industry is “ready to varying degrees” for SRD II, which went live today, according to Demi Derem, general manager, investor communication solutions international of Broadridge