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Keeping up the pace

Michelle Thompson-Dolberry from MFS Investment Management talks to Lucy Carter about the state of DEI in the industry, where firms need to keep pushing for change and how to avoid box ticking

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Geopolitics takes centre stage for custodians

Stephen Dokken-Isgar, head of global network management for the Americas at RBC Investor & Treasury Services, discusses how the company is managing the ongoing market turmoil that has accompanied Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

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A solution for the next 10 years, not the next 10 months

Helen Johnson, head of business development at MYRIAD Group Technologies, discusses the immense challenges associated with initiating an in-house build in today’s market

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Time To Shine

Managed services aren’t new, but they’ve been a source of trepidation for many small banks. However as they become more of a necessity, firms will have to embrace them — or risk falling behind

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A hedge funds centre

Brexit has pushed the boundaries hard, but market participants predict a buoyant outlook for the Irish funds industry. Brian Bollen reports

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EMIR, EMIR on the wall

Amid the season of Disney remakes, Brian Bollen analyses EMIR’s own ‘remake’, more aptly known as ‘REFIT’, and what the update will mean for the industry going forward

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Changing landscapes

Experts from Goal Group, Pogust Goodhead, Libra Srl, and Phi Finney McDonald discuss the industry’s pain points surrounding the filing of claims, as well as their predictions for the future of class actions

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Of paramount importance

Deep Pool’s Roger Woolman looks at why getting anti-money laundering processes right has never been more important

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