Torstone Technology has released a whitepaper that investigates deliberations faced by sell-side firms with regards to the decision to self-clear versus outsource post-trade processes
Its first release under the AcadiaSoft Expert Service programme will be ISDA SIMM Approval Guidance, which will help with obtaining permission from regulators to use the ISDA SIMM for initial margin calculations
Alberta Investment Management Corporation, a Canadian institutional investment manager, has gone live with Calypso Technology’s collateral management system...
Three European regulators have joined forces to voice their disagreement with the European Commission’s proposed amendments to the final draft RTS for OTC derivatives...
Market participants need to become more efficient when financing their transactions, according to BNY Mellon, whose report outlines the strategies to adopt in collateral management...
Five financial industry associations have joined forces to express concern about the implications of including central bank cash balances within Basel III’s leverage ratio framework...