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Keeping a record

Klea Neza sheds light on the importance of transfer agencies and explores how vital technology is to a transfer agent’s work

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Innovation is key

Jack McRae speaks to a number of European fund administrators on how they are addressing some of the challenges facing the industry

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The Generation Game

Generative AI is the latest development to get everyone talking. Where could it have the most impact in the industry, and are fears around the new technology justified?

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States of change

As the US fund administration landscape shifts, market participants share their thoughts on the SEC’s actions, the state of the market, and where they think fund administration will go next

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Growing interest

Apex’s Mark Bennett talks to Brian Bollen about Japan’s economic outlook, its domestic demands, and its influx of foreign investors post-pandemic

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Ready for growth

Brian Bollen takes a look at the current state of the Central American market and explains how State Street and Apex’s presence looks set to move the dial

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Clear skies

Mentions of Nordic countries bring to mind fjords, frost and fish, but the region continues to provide a rich source of financial innovation

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Great expectations

TrustQuay’s Keith Hale outlines the expanding expectations of the corporate, trust and fund sectors, and how digitalisation looks set to change just about everything. Nightingale’s Laura Lees and Stonehage Fleming’s Christelle Theurillat join the conversation

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