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21 July 2020
Reporter Rebecca Delaney

HSBC launches ESG reporting service

HSBC has launched a new reporting service to provide an independent assessment of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues within listed asset investments.

The service will allow asset owners and managers, such as insurance companies, pension funds and sovereign wealth funds, to track the ESG ratings of their large holdings, and provide greater transparency and insight.

HSBC’s portfolio reporting service will implement a monthly reporting dashboard that includes carbon emissions data and ESG ratings analysis according to MSCI, Sustainalytics and Vigeo Eiris standards.

Chris Johnson, director of market data for securities services at HSBC, explained: “ESG is rising up the agenda for our clients, regulators and investors alike. This reporting service will enable our securities services clients to gain meaningful insights into ESG aspects of their portfolios using independent scores and ratings.”

“We expect this product to appeal to asset owners who are seeking independent reporting on the ESG profile of their investments. It will enable them to discuss ESG aspects of large positions in their funds with their managers. Asset manager clients, who already have an in-house ESG capability, could use the report to compare with their own research.”

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