Both the Portuguese and Belgian CSDs have completed their migration to the T2S platform, marking a successful wave two of the pan-European implementation plan...
The annual industry-wide unsupported exposure due to collateral settlement failure for 42 sell-side firms is estimated to be nearly $27 billion, a DTCC-Euroclear Global Collateral and PwC report has warned...
Clearstream has confirmed that its German and Luxembourgish CSDs will migrate to the T2S platform with wave four in February 2017, rather than in wave three, as originally planned...
Although there are still barriers to the widespread adoption of blockchain in capital markets, a ‘wait-and-see’ approach could be damaging, according to a whitepaper by Euroclear and Oliver Wyman...
BNP Paribas Securities Services has launched a clearing, settlement and custody service for clients trading euro cash liquidity through €GCPlus, a centrally cleared triparty repo-secured financing market...
Markets are joining late and creases are yet to be completely ironed out, but the T2S platform could expand to new markets and further throughout Europe...